Assisted Language Learning
and English Language Teaching in Thailand

1. Introduction
English becomes in
Thailand for ages, including trading, information technology , even
education. At the present, English language in the
teaching is encountered slow process. Thus, teacher and
people who is related creating education must pay immediate attention in order
to improve ETL in Thailand. They try to help student to
meet international demands and to be able to fully and successfully participate
in international community.
Computer have entered
have strongly influenced our life in every domain of community because of its
availability and education technology.\
These technologies
have become powerful tools to communicate with people and globe, since they are
faster, easier, and more convenient to use than other older media.
especially, role of computers in language education are increasing worldwide
because of leaner that use of internet and can communicate with other leaner or
speaker around the world. According to Warchauer (1996), technology and internet plat a role
in teaching the second and foreign language as an aid to teacher.
As is evident, including textbook, program course and dictionaries, CD, video.
In Thailand, the
technologies are used to help in education, is much easily facilitated. CALL has been adopted in language classroom with the hope to
improve the English language learning achievement. It is
in response to the demand for English language in workplace. The
English language curriculum in Thailand has been, shifted from English as an
elective to English as a compulsory
subject, with emphasis on autonomous learning, independent work, and innovation
and new technology in English language teaching (Kanosliaoatham,
2007; Khamkhien, 2010). Thus, it is undeniable that this
scenario has affected all spectrums of English language teaching in Thailand
form the standard models of English. The goals and
approaches in teaching and assessment, to teacher education and development.
As far as English language
teaching is concerned, despite the roles of computer and the internet
indispensable component of English language teaching in Thailand, the
inappropriate use and some factors hindering
English instruction from improving
language competence and proficiency
cannot be overlooked
2. The Development Of Computer
Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
As for development of CALL, Warchauer & Healey
9 1998) suggested that CALL can be generally categorized
based on three teaching mythologies domain in ETL: behavioristic
CALL, communicative CALL, and integrative CALL.
Behavioristic CALL
recognized as the first phase. It was introduced in the
1950s and implemented in the 1960s when the audio-lingual
method was widely used in language instruction. Most of CALL program in the phase
entailed repetitive language drill and practice activities. Tyler
(1980) referred to drill and practice
courseware as tutor presenting drill exercises without feed-back
Communicative CALL,
the second phase of development of CALL, emerged in late 1970s and early 1980s. The focus of CALL is placed on using the language or functions
rather than analysis of language form. According to
Warschauer (1997), the communicative
CALL software( e.g. text
reconstruction and language games) continued to provide
students with the language skill practice, but not in drill format like in the
first phase. So, grammar is taught implicitly rather than
explicitly, allowing students create originality and flexibility in
their output of the language. The computer, thus,
functions as stimulus, where the stimulates students’ discussion
and writing through role-playing games.
Integrative CALL,
it started in the 1990s. As described Warshuar & Healey (1889),
integrative CALL was developed in an effort to address some criticism of the
communicative approach by the both integrating the teaching of four language skills
into tasks to provide direction and coherence and development of multimedia
technology. That is, CALL on this stage allows for a
combination of sound, graphics, and video presented in one computerized program together with
computer-mediated communication or CMC and further
facilitates effort to teach four macro skills, including listening, reading,
speaking and writing(Hubbard ,2009). In
this phase, computer serves as tool.
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of CALL in Language Learning
As far as English language teaching is concerned,
it is believe that CALL is capable of overcome some of limitstion hindering
success of English language learning and teaching in a number of ways (Barson & Debshi, 1996; Chapeelle, 1997;2003; Salaberry,
1999; Warschauear; 1996; 2002; 2004 Warshuar & Healey 1998, Warshuar & Kern
2005, Yanh, 2008) These
studies seem to yield congruent results regarding the influences and effort
using in language teaching on learners’ performance. In this regard, computer assisted language learning has
provided a powerful tool for language learning for several reasons.
Frist, the use of CALL to support in language learning
provides students with authenticity of the input. The
students have chances to interact in one or more of four macro skills, since
they have to use or produce text meant for an audience in the target language,
not classroom (Garrett, 1982). Teacher
can use CALL to provide easy and access to a variety of language learning
resource and multimedia components in all area of language. Activities such as problem-solving,
information grab, language game, animated graphic which teacher lets students
to practice with target language. As a result, Skinner
& Austin (1996) claim students’ interact, motivation, and confident will be promoted.
Second, in alignment with the output hypothesis as
articulated by Swaim (2005) & Lapkin
(1995), CALL ,especially computer mediated
communication or CMC, help encourage foreign language learner to produce
comprehensible output. In the other hand, Thai leaner
being pushed to produce language output Though CALL, and not in the classroom,
can be undertaken with some comfort and ease to a certain extent.
As a result, the use of CALL in language classroom help improve students’ self-concept and mastery of basic
language skills, more stuent-centered learning and
engagement in the learning process more active processing, resulting in higher-order thinking skill and better recall, and gain confidences in
directing their own learning.
Third, CALL is able to provide learners with the
kinds of information and support that they require to complete individual task and to response to the diversity
of learners even
with a single classroom.
Next, CALL can be used to promoted autonomous
learning, since CALL allows students to focus on development for their four
language skills, they can enjoy their own individually because they can choose and determine the own
level, pace, and time of language practice and development.
In addition, learner-centered
classes can be promoted by CALL. Warshuar & Kern (2005)
demonstrated that, while exposed to authentic and dynamic language task,
learners are pushed to control their learning time and effort to communicate
with peer, partner, class. Thus, it is believed that
learner themselves can progress in their ability to learn by becoming aware of
the processes though they learn.
Despite the preponderance of advantage offered by
CALL in language classroom, certain shortcomings are not overtaken. Chapalle (1997) and Warshuar (2004) suggest that computer technology should not completely replace
the language classroom because advantage of CALL do exist. So,
teachers are, therefore, considered to be a resource person in language
classroom, as the presentation or authentic input might not be easily
comprehended by low proficiency learners or even relatively more proficiency
learners, without additional help from teacher.
Although CALL has some disadvantages, it is
believed that CALL has great potential for use to facilitate the English
language teaching ang learning in Thailand. To maximize
the benefits of existing CALL programs or materials, teachers, and involved
parties need to be informed about the option of implementation and application
if CALL and how CALL can be integrated into Thai teaching situation or learning
4.Educational CALL Program and ELT in Thailand
The Thai government has put a great effort to
improve the quality of English language teaching in several aspects. The
implementation of the 1999 National Education Act, has prompted a major
reconsider in the education sector in terms of both teaching and learning
methods, as well as in learning environment. The Ministry of Education has also
put strategies by supporting involved parties to create opportunities to
enhance access to and improve the standard of e – learning media through
collaborative initiatives to develop information in form of e –contents through
different learning needs. For teachers, a large class size (45-60 students),
and inadequately equipped classrooms and educational technology should be taken
into account. In rural or remote areas, using CALL materials with the Internet
is still limited due to budget allocation. Drill and practiseis to review the
content background knowledge, and to assist students to master their language
skills such as reading, listening, etc. Providing stimulus, receiving active
response from the students, and giving immediate feedback are core steps of
this program. Demonstration teaching and learning through computer based
instruction is very helping with self directed learning. With self – directed
learning approaches, students will be encouraged to learn by themselves.
Particularly, they will gain more experience in meaningful contexts. Simulation
or so-called problem solving is used, aiming to raise students critical
thinking, discussion skills and writing abilities. Games are used to provide a
rich learning and teaching environment. Testing is a tool for assessment and a
method to determine what students know and do not know. It can take the form of
an informal quiz or a formal evaluation. There are various types of computer –
based learning tests. The activities illustrated above, not only course
software based CALL but also online programs, including web – based learning,
learning management system, multimedia courseware.
5.Studies on CALL in the Thai Context
- tried
to determine the effects of normal instruction supplemented by CAI program
and only giving lecture on achievement and attitude scores of Thai vocational
showed that that normal instruction supplemented by CALL achievement and
attitude scores.
focused the importance of using CALL in their classroom practice.
- the
participation appreciated most the advantages of using CALL material (freedom in study).
Wong-a-sa (2010)
investigate the effectiveness of using supplementary task-incorporated
learning activities in CALL courseware.
students' interaction and participation greatly. Student
positive learning attitude towards CALL programs.
the relationship between students’ English reading the
metacognitive strategies via CALL.
the summary writing ability and self-directed learning
were increased at good level after being taught through the metacognitive
strategies via CALL.
improve students’ English reading comprehension. Developed
CALL reading comprehension program.
students had significantly highly achievement than those who studied the hard
copies or supplementary textbooks. Showed positive
attitude toward using CALL program in learning English.
and Torut
they designed and developed a multimedia CALL material for graduate students.
the students learning through multimedia
CALL program and textbooks outperformed those learning through a
textbook alone in the final reading comprehension test. Positive
opinion on the use of multimedia CALL.
that learners increased their motivation.
their motivation when they used the internet as an integral part of reading
to investigate the improvement of English pronunciation
students were significantly improve after using the CALL program. Positive reaction toward the use of CALL program for
improving their pronunciation.
an English language learning
and speaking
attitudes towards using the computer program.
the development of grammar CALL courseware on phrasal verbs.
result also showed that the developed courseware was efficient in enhancing
language learning.
evaluated the effectiveness of these CALL materials on how students deal with
English grammar.
result revealed that the post-test scores were
significantly higher than those of the pre-test, showing
students development in proficiency performance.
a self-access CALL material to improve English writing
skills for Thai undergraduate students.
results from the questionnaire revealed that exercises in levels of
difficulty, could help them to improve their English writing ability.
what editing strategies Thai students commonly used and how they used their
strategies with word processing programs to improve their English writing.
the Thai students improve their writing skills in several aspects.
study also showed that basic word processing features.
et al. (2007)
questionnaires and interview to Thai university students using website for
practice listening skill. Students could choose the
topic they were studying English class, helping them improve listening skill.
listening skill.
what editing strategies Thai students commonly used and how they used their
strategies with word processing programs to improve their English writing.
the Thai students improve their writing skills in several aspects.
study also showed that basic word processing features.
et al. (2007)
employed questionnaires and interview to Thai university students using
website for practice listening skill. Students could
choose the topic they were studying English class, helping them improve
listening skill.
improve listening skill.
develop CALL and then use with 20 Thai university students from different
proficiency level.
results, both midterm and final examinations although
the difference was not at statistically significant level.
Although the
utilization of CALL in language instruction is beneficial heavy reliance on
CALL cannot be healthy (Kanoksilapatham,2009). Indeed, CALL should not be
considered a replacement or substitution for classroom teachers. It is believed
that the learners will be able to make valid generalization from individual
cases and thus implement these technologies capitalizing their specific
features. For Thai learners, they need to be able to continuously use,
experiment and evaluate appropriate and meaningful CALL activities to enhance
English proficiency and master English language skills which is the goals of
language learning.